There are a bunch of independent reviewers and influencers out there, and we love what they do. They do in-depth reviews and discuss the ins and outs of their individual experiences. But the issue is that they have their own individual preferences and opinions of what makes stylish furniture, which can make things more confusing. Rather than create just another site with another point of view, I've put my years of data science experience to work and built a site that aggregates 10,000s of customer reviews and independent scores on the net. With this wealth of data, we created weighted scores and ratings that are independent and not tied to only one shopping experience. I hope this resource will lead you to more joyful shopping experiences.
Chris Moberg, Founder of Slumber Search
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PerigoldOverall: 9.6 /10 |
WayfairOverall: 9.5 /10 |
Apt2bOverall: 9.5 /10 |
BurrowOverall: 9.4 /10 |
Benchmade ModernOverall: 9.4 /10 |
CastleryOverall: 9.4 /10 |
The CitizenryOverall: 9.3 /10 |
KardielOverall: 9.3 /10 |
Made TradeOverall: 9.3 /10 |
Relax The BackOverall: 9.2 /10 |
Jonathan AdlerOverall: 9.2 /10 |
ArticleOverall: 9.2 /10 |
MedleyOverall: 9.2 /10 |
Blu DotOverall: 9.1 /10 |
Industry WestOverall: 9.1 /10 |
Jayson HomeOverall: 9.1 /10 |
SofamaniaOverall: 9 /10 |
JoybirdOverall: 9 /10 |
ArhausOverall: 8.9 /10 |
Scandinavian DesignsOverall: 8.8 /10 |
MacysOverall: 8.7 /10 |
One Kings LaneOverall: 8.7 /10 |
FloydOverall: 8.7 /10 |
ColemanOverall: 8.7 /10 |
Room And BoardOverall: 8.6 /10 |
Design Within ReachOverall: 8.6 /10 |
LexModOverall: 8.6 /10 |
Crate And BarrelOverall: 8.5 /10 |
Plow And HearthOverall: 8.5 /10 |
Dot And BoOverall: 8.5 /10 |
HomaryOverall: 8.4 /10 |
HavertysOverall: 8.3 /10 |
Jordans FurnitureOverall: 8.3 /10 |
IKEAOverall: 8.3 /10 |
BassettOverall: 8.3 /10 |
World MarketOverall: 8.3 /10 |
MorOverall: 8.3 /10 |
Serena And LilyOverall: 8.3 /10 |
HorchowOverall: 8.3 /10 |
American Furniture WarehouseOverall: 8.2 /10 |
Furniture RowOverall: 8.2 /10 |
La Z BoyOverall: 8.1 /10 |
CB2Overall: 7.9 /10 |
OverstockOverall: 7.9 /10 |
KirklandsOverall: 7.8 /10 |
Pottery BarnOverall: 7.8 /10 |
Mathis BrothersOverall: 7.8 /10 |
Z GallerieOverall: 7.7 /10 |
Albany ParkOverall: 7.7 /10 |
CardisOverall: 7.7 /10 |
West ElmOverall: 7.6 /10 |
Ashley FurnitureOverall: 7.5 /10 |
Grandin RoadOverall: 7.5 /10 |
Ballard DesignsOverall: 7.5 /10 |
Brylane HomeOverall: 7.5 /10 |
Raymour And FlaniganOverall: 7.4 /10 |
Restoration HardwareOverall: 7.4 /10 |
The DumpOverall: 7.4 /10 |
HudsonsOverall: 7.4 /10 |
Value CityOverall: 7.3 /10 |
FrontgateOverall: 7.3 /10 |
SchewelsOverall: 7.3 /10 |
American FreightOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Big LotsOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Bobs FurnitureOverall: 7.2 /10 |
HayneedleOverall: 7.2 /10 |
BadcockOverall: 7.2 /10 |
LevinOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Bob MillsOverall: 7.2 /10 |
RoyalOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Rooms To GoOverall: 7.1 /10 |
Living SpacesOverall: 7.1 /10 |
Montgomery WardOverall: 7.1 /10 |
Seventh AvenueOverall: 7.1 /10 |
FarmersOverall: 7.1 /10 |
Bernie And PhylsOverall: 7.1 /10 |
The Room PlaceOverall: 7.1 /10 |
Nebraska Furniture MartOverall: 7 /10 |
ValyouOverall: 6.8 /10 |
Albany ParkOverall: 7.7 /10 |
American FreightOverall: 7.2 /10 |
American Furniture WarehouseOverall: 8.2 /10 |
Apt2bOverall: 9.5 /10 |
ArhausOverall: 8.9 /10 |
ArticleOverall: 9.2 /10 |
Ashley FurnitureOverall: 7.5 /10 |
BadcockOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Ballard DesignsOverall: 7.5 /10 |
BassettOverall: 8.3 /10 |
Benchmade ModernOverall: 9.4 /10 |
Bernie And PhylsOverall: 7.1 /10 |
Big LotsOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Blu DotOverall: 9.1 /10 |
Bob MillsOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Bobs FurnitureOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Brylane HomeOverall: 7.5 /10 |
BurrowOverall: 9.4 /10 |
CardisOverall: 7.7 /10 |
CastleryOverall: 9.4 /10 |
CB2Overall: 7.9 /10 |
ColemanOverall: 8.7 /10 |
Crate And BarrelOverall: 8.5 /10 |
Design Within ReachOverall: 8.6 /10 |
Dot And BoOverall: 8.5 /10 |
FarmersOverall: 7.1 /10 |
FloydOverall: 8.7 /10 |
FrontgateOverall: 7.3 /10 |
Furniture RowOverall: 8.2 /10 |
Grandin RoadOverall: 7.5 /10 |
HavertysOverall: 8.3 /10 |
HayneedleOverall: 7.2 /10 |
HomaryOverall: 8.4 /10 |
HorchowOverall: 8.3 /10 |
HudsonsOverall: 7.4 /10 |
IKEAOverall: 8.3 /10 |
Industry WestOverall: 9.1 /10 |
Jayson HomeOverall: 9.1 /10 |
Jonathan AdlerOverall: 9.2 /10 |
Jordans FurnitureOverall: 8.3 /10 |
JoybirdOverall: 9 /10 |
KardielOverall: 9.3 /10 |
KirklandsOverall: 7.8 /10 |
La Z BoyOverall: 8.1 /10 |
LevinOverall: 7.2 /10 |
LexModOverall: 8.6 /10 |
Living SpacesOverall: 7.1 /10 |
MacysOverall: 8.7 /10 |
Made TradeOverall: 9.3 /10 |
Mathis BrothersOverall: 7.8 /10 |
MedleyOverall: 9.2 /10 |
Montgomery WardOverall: 7.1 /10 |
MorOverall: 8.3 /10 |
Nebraska Furniture MartOverall: 7 /10 |
One Kings LaneOverall: 8.7 /10 |
OverstockOverall: 7.9 /10 |
PerigoldOverall: 9.6 /10 |
Plow And HearthOverall: 8.5 /10 |
Pottery BarnOverall: 7.8 /10 |
Raymour And FlaniganOverall: 7.4 /10 |
Relax The BackOverall: 9.2 /10 |
Restoration HardwareOverall: 7.4 /10 |
Room And BoardOverall: 8.6 /10 |
Rooms To GoOverall: 7.1 /10 |
RoyalOverall: 7.2 /10 |
Scandinavian DesignsOverall: 8.8 /10 |
SchewelsOverall: 7.3 /10 |
Serena And LilyOverall: 8.3 /10 |
Seventh AvenueOverall: 7.1 /10 |
SofamaniaOverall: 9 /10 |
The CitizenryOverall: 9.3 /10 |
The DumpOverall: 7.4 /10 |
The Room PlaceOverall: 7.1 /10 |
Value CityOverall: 7.3 /10 |
ValyouOverall: 6.8 /10 |
WayfairOverall: 9.5 /10 |
West ElmOverall: 7.6 /10 |
World MarketOverall: 8.3 /10 |
Z GallerieOverall: 7.7 /10 |