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Innerspring vs. Pocket Spring


Innerspring systems describe mattresses made with coil systems. Traditional innerspring mattresses were made with interconnected coils, providing structure to the bed. In recent years, some have used 'innerspring' to describe newer pocket spring systems that are independent and offer greater comfort.

In general, most use 'innerspring' to describe the traditional mattress styles and those that purchased a mattress in the 20th century are very used to these types of beds.

The interconnected spring systems offer a high amount of durability and support, but there are complaints of aggravated pressure points and discomfort despite comfort layers of foams on the surface.

Pros: Durable materials and traditional even feel.

Cons: Pressure point discomfort and motion transfer issues.

Pocket Spring

Pocket springs are individually wrapped coil systems that are stitched into mattresses below a comfort layer of foam or other material. Unlike traditional innerspring systems that are interconnected, pocket springs are entirely independent allowing for added contour and pressure point relief than older innerspring models.

The general rule on pocket coil systems is the more coils, the more responsive and motion controlled the mattress is, while still providing support. This directly translates to more comfort.

In most pocket spring beds, there is a layer of memory foam or latex foam above the pocket spring array so that the sleeper gets both the benefits of contouring foam and the comfort of the pocket springs.

Pros: Durable materials and superior comfort to traditional innerspring systems.

Cons: Sleepers should be equally as interested in the foam that is wrapped around the coil system - if that is low quality, the bed still may be uncomfortable.

Learn More About Innerspring

Learn More About Pocket Spring

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Material Scores

Overall Score:
Innerspring: 8.7/10
Pocket Spring: 9.8/10

Innerspring: 8.7/10
Pocket Spring: 9.8/10

Innerspring: 8.4/10
Pocket Spring: 9.4/10

Innerspring: 9.5/10
Pocket Spring: 9.8/10

Innerspring: 9.4/10
Pocket Spring: 9.8/10

No Odor:
Innerspring: 9.4/10
Pocket Spring: 9.8/10

General Support:
Innerspring: 8.9/10
Pocket Spring: 9.6/10

Innerspring: 8.7/10
Pocket Spring: 8.7/10

Price Value:
Innerspring: 8.4/10
Pocket Spring: 8.4/10