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Englander vs. Restonic

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Englander is a mattress brand founded in New York City in 1894. As part of the Southerland mattress family, their mattresses are made in the US and feature foam, latex, and pocket coils. Englander is committed to lowering their carbon-footprint through use of natural latex and recycled steel in some of their mattresses. These mattresses are predominantly found in Southern and Midwest US mattress retail stores. What sets Englander apart is their selection of cooling foams and eco-friendly latex.


Restonic is a classic mattress brand, founded in the 1930s. Over the past eighty years, they have been focused on offering a competitive product in the retail mattress space for a solid price. They offer hybrid, innerspring, memory foam, and latex mattresses and boast rewards from multiple independent associations including Consumers Digest Award and Women's Choice award. Over time, they have focused on adding more luxury mattresses. While most like Restonic, there are some complaints about durability.

Based on our aggregated reviews and our scoring method, we recommend Restonic in this match up!

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Mattress Score

Overall Score:
Englander: 7.1/10
Restonic: 8.7/10

Customer Satisfaction:
Englander: 7/10
Restonic: 8.6/10

Price Value:
Englander: 7.1/10
Restonic: 8.5/10

No Back Pain:
Englander: 7.1/10
Restonic: 8.7/10

Englander: $857-$3499
Restonic: $1099-$3149+

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Englander's Owner Satisfaction

Sleeper reviews can be hard to understand from a high level -- especially with companies coming in and out of the market quickly. These mattresses, sadly, aren't rated as well by sleepers. There are still customers that really appreciate these beds, but many others that don't. Learn more details about the mattresses below.

Englander's Supportiveness

Customers report that these mattresses don't offer the kind of lasting support that some of the other brands may. Though some folks are happy with these mattresses, if you are heavier in build, make sure to do more research before purchasing.

Edge Support
For those that want quality edge support, some customers report that these mattresses don't work for them on edge support.

Englander's Durability

Durability is one of the most important attributes to finding a mattress. We all wish our mattress will last a decade or more and still provide us with cozy comfort. That said, not all customers rate these mattresses very well on durability and some have had issues over only a short horizon. If you are considering purchasing as your full time mattress, read the reviews to make sure it will work with your body before buying.

Restonic's Owner Satisfaction

With brands doing lots of work on their online reputation, it's pretty hard for an average shopper to get to the bottom of customer satisfaction. That said, overall, these mattresses are reviewed well by sleepers. However, there were some sleepers that didn't like the feel. so look below to see if the mattress specifications will work for your body type!

Restonic's Supportiveness

Having a supportive mattress is key to having a good night sleep. These mattresses are above average in their supportiveness. This is important if you need something more supportive right now. Most customers report that these mattresses do a decent job providing support.

Edge Support
Edge support is the measure of supportiveness along the sides of the mattress. These mattresses provide solid edge support overall, but some customers may experience more contouring along the edges.

Bowling Ball & Density Tests
By placing a bowling ball on the mattress, one can figure out mattress firmness. It is also a great test for measuring evenness of support across the surface. Overall, these mattresses will offer an evenness across the sleeping surface.

Restonic's Durability

We all want a mattress that lasts for a long time, but due to good marketing and an overwhelming array of options, it can be hard for shoppers to decipher. That said, with all of the data on tests, customer feedback, and materials, we've been able to estimate. These mattresses offer above average durability for the average sleeper. Some who are larger may find their mattress to be less durable.

Browse Englander Customer Reviews

Few months in, started sagging

I bought a latex Englander pillow top bed about 6 years ago, in the store it was super comfortable but after I got it (Queen size) and had it for a few months it started sagging. I only weigh 143 and it shouldn't do that. Within a few years it was awful. When it became horrible, I called them and spoke with the customer service team, I sent pictures and documented how bad it was. The bed I had was discontinued, and they actually replaced it with a top of the line pillow top mattress--it was their best model, and probably about an $1800 mattress. I was thrilled, now 6 months into it--I have to turn the thing constantly to avoid the sagging. It is almost as bad as the other one and I completely hate it. I bought a new bed this week. I really wanted it to work out but these are just not great. I can say their customer service was excellent, but I would never recommend these. They aren't cheap and they are so uncomfortable--I can't imagine 2 people on one that weigh more than me.

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Browse Restonic Customer Reviews

Going for (and achieving) 'best of both worlds' between latex and memory foam. A revolution over conventional innersprings.

Man - half a year or so ago, I made the switch from my old innerspring Queen mattress to a new King memory foam mattress. The differences were staggering -- vastly superior comfort, quietness, no back pain, and I could enter / exit the bed without awakening my girlfriend when she was sleeping over.

I recently got the opportunity to review this, which I consider to be a 'hybrid' memory / latex foam mattress, and find it has a number of benefits over a conventional all-memory foam mattress, but a couple small drawbacks as well. Bottom line, I'm immensely happy with this mattress and consider it an upgrade over my older memory foam.

+ this mattress has superior comfort to an innerspring mattress. While it's a slightly firmer overall to my softer memory foam, I find this a plus. A pure memory foam mattress can allow you to sink so low that it's almost a challenge at times to change positions
+ to put it bluntly , the extra support and added bounciness make this mattress WAY better for sex. A pure memory foam is comfortable sleeping but can be too soft and allow sinking when you're on your knees / elbows, etc. The latex / memory foam hybrid design means you don't sink way down when you're on your knees during sex. This is a nice design upgrade
+ I find this mattress to be nice a cool sleeping, though my memory foam was as well
+ less unpleasant smell during the initial expansion phase vs. memory foam
+ the packing on this was superb. The box was well-sealed and the mattress itself was securely rolled in heavy duty vaccum-sealed plastic. This made it a lot easier to wrestle around vs. my memory foam, which was vacuum-sealed as well, but in weaker plastic. The tarp it was in had busted and so had the box -- so I appreciate the secure packing of my Brio mattress

- this mattress is more expensive than generic brand memory foam mattresses
- it feels a bit heavier as well, making it heavier to move
- being just a bit firmer than an all-memory foam mattress, there's just a touch more motion transference. While it is worlds better than a conventional innerspring, you don't get that total motion isolation afforded by an all-memory foam mattress

If you're looking to upgrade from a conventional innerspring mattress, I think the Restonic Brio is a good choice for you. You get the coolness, support, and slight springiness of latex with the 'sleeping on a cloud' feeling of memory foam. The Restonic's added support makes it superior for sex - which, while not the primary purpose for a mattress, is still worth considering. It's heavier and more awkward to move than memory foam (and both are more awkward than a conventional mattress) but I honestly find the comfort benefits to be well worth the tradeoff. This is a solidly constructed mattress, MADE IN THE USA, that combines a number of modern technologies to provide a superior sleeping experience. If you've never tried a modern foam mattress -- go test one (find a friend or a store). If you like the experience, then consider buying the Brio Restonic. As an owner of conventional, memory foam, and now the Restonic mattress, I can safely say that they've really got a 'best of all worlds' design with this mattress. 5 stars!

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*All metrics regarding customer sentiment are based on aggregated public review content, including reviews that have been submitted to this site and elsewhere that have been evaluated by our data science team. While we strive to provide useful metrics for the benefit of shoppers, we cannot certify their accuracy at any given time due to potentially incomplete and inaccurate data sources.