Slumber Search 2024-2025 Disrupt $1,000 Scholarship Winner

Congratulations Sasha Ovalle of Rice University!

Sasha's 2024-2025 Slumber Search Disrupt $1,000 Scholarship focuses on disrupting the showerhead and water conservation industry by creating a unique Amazon Alexa controlled showerhead that pauses water pressure for less water waste while showering. Not only did she showcase her idea, but she has already built a business with a working product prototype that she showcased.


More About Sasha and Her Winning Video

Sasha's video has it all -- first she describes her own personal concerns for environmentalism and solving the global water crisis, and lays out hard numbers showcasing the challenges of world shower water waste. Then, she positions Shower Saver and her own vision as a novel, innovative solution. Her voice throughout the video is captivating and we were left stunned with her TikTok® video of her working product demo.

It's no wonder that Sasha's seriousness for solving the water conservation crisis goes well beyond this scholarship. Sasha is the driven CEO of Shower Saver and has a detailed business plan to succeed.

On her acceptance and her vocation moving forward. She wrote:

To be recognized for my entrepreneurial effort is incredibly moving, but what is even more important is the appreciation inherent in this award for the crucial task that is before us, as a society, to devise solutions to the global water crisis. My experience in creating Shower Saver as an eco-conscious device has convinced me that producing a commercially successful product can go hand in hand with building a sustainable future.

Joining Rice University's Business Program in the incoming class of 2028, she plans to continue to build Shower Saver's business with a vision of entering the retail market in 2025.

As such, we are extremely inspired by Sasha and have no doubt in her future success, both entrepreneurially and also in transforming the world for the better. Congratulations, Sasha!


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